How to Fix [pii_email_077b56914bdda962cebc] Error Code in Mail

[ pii_email_077b56914bdda962cebc] This error code appears in Outlook, here we will discuss how to fix this error in your Outlook mail. If [ pii_email_077b56914bdda962cebc] Show when opening your outlook means your email doesn’t work properly.

Here we provide a few simple steps to resolve this problem. Please read this article completely, and follow the steps below to correct the error.

Steps to follow to fix Error Code [pii_email_077b56914bdda962cebc]

[pii_email_077b56914bdda962cebc] caused by various reasons, so please follow one by one steps to findout the reason and then fix the issue.

1) First of all [pii_email_077b56914bdda962cebc] error occurs when you are using multiple accounts, and running all at the same time.

So, first of all logged out your all accounts, clear cache memory and then log in back to your outlook mail.

Most probably [pii_email_077b56914bdda962cebc] error will be solved by this step.

How to Clear Cache:

Click on Start Button

Type “Disk Cleanup”

Select drive C, and click on OK

Check Temporary Files box, If need check other also

Click on OK

Your cache will be cleared

2) Still the problem not solved, then the reason may be the broken application, means mistakes done when installing application.

So, uninstall the application and install again, download application from official website only.

3) And there is an another solution to fix this issue, that is use the web based version of Microsoft Outlook instead of PC software.

4) Don’t download pirated version application from third party websites, download only from official website.

Use windows 10 troubleshooting center to fix error [pii_email_077b56914bdda962cebc]

Still this issue not solved, please contact Microsoft Support for further instructions.


The steps above will improve [ pii_email_077b56914bdda962cebc] error code in the letter. Still a problem is not resolved, please contact Microsoft support for further instructions.

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