BEST kidnapping movies on Netflix

Based on the true story, the film is one of the best types. They are more inspirational than other types of films because you know it can be achieved. This gives you hope and also makes you feel more for the film. Because you know it happens to real people. The right story film is sad or cold. What people achieve is something you can find too. Here are some of the kidnapping films of the best true stories on Netflix.

1: Abducted in plain sight 2017

It was 1974 when a 12-year-old girl named Jan Broberg was kidnapped from a small church in Idaho. One trusted neighbor also near family friend is behind this kidnapping. The girl was kidnapped again from her parents’ house in 1976. Then a film was made on this incident. Kidnapper took him to California and claimed to go to a Catholic school there. He presented himself as his father and CIA agent according to the record. “Kidnapped in plain front” is the best film among other true story films on Netflix.

2.The call 2013

The story ranges around the veteran operator of the emergency call center, Jordan (Halle Berry) saves life every day is part of his duty. One day he received a call from a young woman. There were panicked because the stalkers left tragically, Jordan was depressed. Therefore, he decided to put it on the front line and choose to save life instead of just guiding them with a rope.

The ‘call’ movie genre is action / drama. Halle Berry played the role of the operator 911. He suffered an annoying day at work after failing to save a girl from kidnapper and brutally killed.

3.Kidnapping Stella 2019 

Another real life story film about a woman who was kidnapped for ransom. He was bound and clogged, but he used his limited strength over the carcass of the two asked kidnapper plans carefully.

Kidnapping Stella is a German film; The genre is a thriller film. In the video, two men kidnapped a prosperous young woman from the road and save it for money. Furthermore, in the film, the young woman was tied to the bed and clogged.

4.The kindergarten 2018 

The character of this story center is a kindergarten teacher; The video is American drama. Sara Colangelo directed it was a film. This story is based on the 2014 Israeli film with the same name and genre. The Movie Cast is Maggie Gyllenhaal, Anna Baryshnikov, Parker Steak, Gael García Bernal, Rosa Salazar, and Michael Cherus. The story is about a teacher who tries to save the talent of his kindergarten student with a long senseless.

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