Chinese military performs island attack on last day of 4-day drills near Taiwan to protest Pelosi’s visit

The Chinese military, on the last day of its biggest military training to vent his anger over the visit of the speaker of the DPR Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, carried out an island saturation attack exercise in the Taiwan Strait, amid the global concerns about full scale attacks full of full scale in full of full scale attacks with full scale with full scale Full with a full scale with a full scale full of full scale with a full full scale with full full scale to annex the island that is claimed by Beijing is part of his territory.

During four days of training, several batches of various types of fighter aircraft attached to the East Theater Commander’s Air Force from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) carried out a systematic island attack exercise, with a focus on honing shared land attacks and long distances long distance air strike capabilities, the word commando the theater plar eastern.

The plaon on Sunday proceeded with the plan and continuous realistic combat-scenarios joint exercises in the sea and air space around the island of Taiwan Practicing Island Capturing Drills and Bomber Deterrency Flights in Taiwan Strait, A Rehearsal for Real Operation, State-Run Global Times reported.

Although there was no official announcement here to end the training, the report said that PLA was reviewing the impact of an unprecedented war game that involved all its military wings because of a fixed question about the next step, increasing the Beijing dilemma about future actions.

In the last four days, the Chinese military flew hundreds of aircraft, drones and fired missiles with a different range called Taiwan as “simulation attacks” and requested international assistance.

China also suspended various defense and military exchanges with the US in addition to imposing sanctions on the pelSi as part of many countermeasures to protest his journey to Taipei on Tuesday and Wednesday that Beijing made anger, who saw it as a violation of “one -China policy”.

China claims Taiwan as part of its territory and threatens to annex it by force if necessary. Both parties separated in 1949 after the civil war, but Beijing considered a visit to Taiwan by foreign officials to recognize his sovereignty.

The Taiwan National Defense Ministry stressed that its military watched the situation and had sent airplanes and ships to respond.

Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen has asked the international community to “support Taiwan Democrats” and “Stop the escalation of regional security situations.”

“Our government & military monitors Chinese military training & information operations, ready to respond as needed. I called for the international community to support Taiwan Democrats & stop the escalation of regional security situations, “Tsai Tweeted on Saturday.

The Taiwan military, which has mobilized its troops to reply if there was an offensive movement by PLA, on Sunday rejected the report that a PLA warship sailed near the coast of the eastern district of Hualien during the big war match around the island, labeling it as “disinformation”.

In a statement, said China’s official media report about a PLA warship “Entering our territorial waters close to Hualien … is disinformation and the public must not be cheated by him and our troops have faithfully carrying out their duties to protect the security of the country”.

The statement emerged after the State News Agency Xinhua on Saturday released a photo showing PLA Marine monitoring the Taiwan Fregate, along the Taiwan coastline.

The Taiwan military also men -tweet video of one of its destinations, Magong, witnessed the movement of the Chinese Navy Fregate Maanshan. “Security can be found where we are when our sailors patrol our regions and evenings and uphold our sovereignty,” he said.

PLA said the exercise took place in the waters and airspace off the north coast, southwest and east of the island in the last four days.

The military has tested its ability to striking targets on land and sea with the support of an integrated military system, he said.

The Chinese Navy has mobilized warships in defense violations and training with land-to-capal missile units involved in stimulated attacks aimed at the main maritime target and Navy aviation units involved in combat training, he said.

The PLA Navy and Air Force unit also cooperates in reconnaissance and attack training, he said.

Facing a rare public criticism at home because it cannot stop the pelSi visit to Taipei despite high voltage rhetoric, China carried out the toughest mobilization from the Navy, Air Force and Missile Forces to carry out bombings targeted for transportation of vital cargo delivery since Thursday, the day after the pelSi left Taiwan .

The pelSi visit, the top US leader in 25 years to visit Taiwan, came at a politically sensitive time as President of Xi Jinping who will complete the term of office of the second five years this year is expected to continue to power, unlike its predecessors who are his predecessors whose predecessors who have his predecessor who became his predecessor who became his predecessor who became his predecessor who became his predecessor who became his predecessor to be his predecessor who became his predecessor who became his predecessor who became his predetermine 10 years position.

The third term for XI, 68, is widely expected to be supported by the Chinese Communist Party Congress (CPC) which has been in power once for five years, which is expected to be held in the next few months.

China captures that pelSi visits will open floodgates for similar visits by world leaders, especially from Japan and the European Union (EU), damage the credibility of their claims over an island whose majority population prefers to remain independent.

Chinese experts said the tension triggered by a pelSi visit in Taiwan would continue to increase, but military conflict over this problem was not possible.

Shi Yinhong, professor of International Relations at Renmin University of China, said tensions in international relations were the natural results of strategic interactions but the US and China were not almost involved in battle.

“Confrontation will be [increased] but conflict is still impossible, even when the suspension of military communication will definitely make prevention of incidental clashes more difficult,” Shi told South China Morning Post based in Hong Kong on Sunday.

On Thursday, after the Chinese military began four days of intensive direct shot training around Taiwan, Pentagon said its aircraft carrier based in Japan, USS Ronald Reagan would expand the placement scheduled in the Western Pacific.

“We will conduct standard air transits and maritime through the Taiwan Strait in the next few weeks, consistent, again, with our old approach to maintaining sea freedom and international law,” said National Security Spokesman John Kirby.

“And, we will take further steps to show our commitment to our allied security in the region,” Kirby said, The Post reported.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi warned Washington on Saturday not to “generate a bigger crisis”, after the US announced it would take “further steps” by sending airplanes and warships to waters near Taiwan in the coming weeks.

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