I am a diabetic. Can I have alcohol or not? How much? How frequently? What type of drink?

Living with type 2 diabetes often means reducing our favorite foods and drinks. Many time spent in every medical consultation that discusses the right food choices. Some of the questions most often asked by diabetics are related to alcohol consumption. Can I drink alcohol or not? How much it costs? How often? What kind of alcohol? And so on.

When first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, many alcohol drinkers worry whether alcohol can be a cause of their diabetes. Risk factors commonly known for type 2 diabetes are family history, obesity, older age, and permanent lifestyle. Alcohol and Diabetes Relations are complicated. Women metabolize alcohol are less efficient than men. Medium alcohol intake (for example <30 ml/day whiskey for women, <60 ml/day for men) does not increase the risk of developing diabetes. However, excessive alcohol intake is associated with an increased risk of diabetes because it can cause weight gain. Alcohol abuse can also cause pancreatic inflammation (pancreatitis), a dangerous condition, which can cause diabetes.

Should diabetics avoid alcohol?

In general, it is recommended for diabetics to avoid alcohol. This especially applies to those whose diabetes is not well controlled. It is true that drinking alcohol excessively, both on one occasion or over time, can take serious victims of one’s health. The alcohol party causes changes in behavior and makes it more difficult to think clearly, leads to random and uncontrolled food and unsafe activities. This can cause alcohol poisoning, hospitalization, car accidents and other injuries. Excessive drinking from time to time can cause high blood pressure, damage the heart, liver, pancreas and even increase the risk of certain cancer.

For diabetics, alcohol consumption usually does not increase blood sugar levels. However, alcohol has been proven to be associated with short -term risks exposed to low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and long -term risk of organ damage. The effects of alcohol on blood glucose levels differ depending on whether consumed with or without food.

In a state of fasting, the liver pours glucose stored into the bloodstream and prevent blood glucose from falling into harmful levels. When our hearts are exposed to alcohol, prefer to metabolize alcohol first and the release of glucose is inhibited. If you drink alcohol combined with drugs that are often used to treat diabetes – especially insulin and sulfonylurea – can cause low blood glucose levels (<70mg/dl). This risk can last up to 24 hours after drinking alcohol. If you have alcohol by dinner, it is recommended to check blood sugar before you sleep. If blood sugar is lower than 100 mg/dl, taking small snacks is recommended – fruit, milk, or half a sandwich is a good choice. Symptoms of low blood sugar can be confused with those who are in a state of drunkenness, which can cause low blood sugar reactions to be passed with dangerous consequences.

As far as it involves calories in various types of alcohol, in the end it is an important amount of alcohol. One alcohol unit is measured as 10 grams. This is the same as about 275 ml of beer, 100 ml of grapes and 30 ml of spirits (liquor). To find out how many units are in the drink, check alcohol based on volume (ABV) on the label. ABV is a measure of the amount of pure alcohol as a percentage of total liquid volume in drinks. If ABV is 12 percent, that means 12 percent of the volume of the drink is pure alcohol. You can find out how many units are in any drink by multiplying the total volume of drinks (in ML) with its ABV (measured as a percentage) and dividing the results with 1,000. For example, if you have 500 ml of 5 percent beer, you take 2.5 units of alcohol. Now, 30 ml of 40 percent whiskey will consist of 1.2 alcohol units.

However, if alcoholic drinks (eg, vodka) are taken with sweet cocktail juice or mixture, they will provide excessive calories. Therefore, to avoid excessive calories, cocktails or mixed drinks made without fruit juice, ordinary soda, milk, or ice cream can be taken. For example, gin with diet tonic water or rum and diet cola.

Avoid snacks

Popular practice of consuming fried snacks with alcohol adds a very large calorie burden with unhealthy fats thrown to measure well. Replace fried snacks with salads and grilled snacks such as makhana, chana or egg white. Drinking speed is also important. It is best to limit yourself to one drink per hour to allow the body to metabolize alcohol. Dangerous Drinking Binge – One drink per day is not the same as seven drinks on Saturday!

What drink is the best?

Drink choices depend on your personal choice but wise to avoid sweet wine and choose dry. Light or low beer is preferred. Among the various types of spirits, the alcohol content is important. Popular ideas that vodka or gin are safer than whiskey or false.

If you cannot hold alcohol, please remember the rules of moderation and remain treatment for low blood glucose (sugar / candy / glucose) ready, especially if you have a history of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).  Do not drink more than two units of alcohol in a one-day period if you are a man or one unit if you are a woman.
 Strictly avoid alcohol if you have associated conditions like high blood pressure, heart, liver, kidney, eye, nerve or pancreatic disease.
1, Drink plenty of water with alcohol to prevent dehydration and hangover.
 2,Choose low calorie snacks with alcohol.
 3,Avoid drinking on an empty stomach.
 4,Drink slowly — one drink in an hour.
 5,Avoid “sugary” mixed drinks, sweet wines or cordials.
 6,Mix liquor with water, club soda, or diet soft drinks.
7, Monitor blood glucose few hours after alcohol consumption.

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